06 December 2008

Velvet & Rich (The Wedding)

As I have said before in my previous posting a couple of days ago, I went to Velvet and Rich wedding reception at the grand ballroom, Tanjung Aru Resort & Spa last night with my brother & sister and of course my parent and guest what, Farhan, Marsha and also Felix were there to celebrate. The wedding nuptial was done at the garden just outside the grand ballroom of the Resort & Spa.


  1. ~wuwuh....cayah la...
    ~cute nye....sooo sweeet!!!

  2. wah congratulation both of u.. emmm sa tau pun dari newspaper METRO KL yang dorang sdh kahwin... apa2 pun semoga berbahagia sampai ke anak cucu cicit........

  3. Anonymous said...no gambar ka?

    Ya...right. You just hold on tight... I will post more gambar when I've finish upoloading it to my PC. Thanzzzz!

  4. i dont believe it at 1st, but when ally iskandar(MHI) said in AJL dis recently " selamat pengantin.." i was surprised..well, congrates!! semoga bahagia ke akhir hayat..


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