31 December 2008
26 December 2008
2008 Christmas Party
For the family album 2008
18 December 2008
Oops, faulse alarm! Actually it is only a concert by Stacy in titled 'Sambutan Hari Krismas Stacy Frenz bersama Stacy' to be held at Restoran Atlantis, Jalan Bundusan beginning @ 6 pm today.
I heard from unreliable source that Stacy of AF is going to get married tomorrow at Atlantis Restaurant, Jalan Bundusan like what Velvet did just recently......or am I right... will somebody put some light on it.
09 December 2008
German Technology Vs China Technology
1. German Technology (Parking)
China Technology (Parking)
06 December 2008
Velvet & Rich (The Wedding)
As I have said before in my previous posting a couple of days ago, I went to Velvet and Rich wedding reception at the grand ballroom, Tanjung Aru Resort & Spa last night with my brother & sister and of course my parent and guest what, Farhan, Marsha and also Felix were there to celebrate. The wedding nuptial was done at the garden just outside the grand ballroom of the Resort & Spa.
05 December 2008
04 December 2008
My Brother Evan was so excited
03 December 2008
Velvet is getting married
24 November 2008
So Excited
16 November 2008
School Holiday
My Daddy was so Excited
10 November 2008
Tomorrow's date is very significant to me
21 October 2008
Alive & Kicking
Happy Deepavali
16 October 2008
I Salute Bro. Rayner Bisius
Suit against God
15 October 2008
Masalah Pilipin Lagi di Sabah
Apa yang saya ingat dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, setiap kali ada perayaan H.raya Aid., maka disitu lah krjaan beria-ia atau sibuk-sibuk hantar pilipin ini pulang ke negara mereka. Tidak tahulah apa tujuan mereka dihantar balik mungkin untuk berya. Tetapi bilamana perayaan sudah lepas, mereka pun balik masuk semula seperti yang dilaporkan oleh New Sabah Times.
11 October 2008
40th Day in Loving Memory
01 October 2008
26 September 2008
What they actually means
If a barber makes a mistake,
It's a New Style
If a tailor makes a mistake,
It is a New Fashion
If a driver makes a mistake,
It is a New path
If a engineer makes a mistake,
It is a New Venture
If parents makes a mistake,
It is a New Generation
If a politician makes a mistake,
It is a New Law
If a scientist makes a mistake,
It is a New invention
If a teacher makes a mistake ,
It is a New Theory
If our boss makes a mistake,
It is a New idea
If an employee makes a mistake,
It is a ' Mistake '
24 September 2008
Lying is typically used to refer to deceptions in oral or written communication.[citation needed] Other forms of deception, such as disguises or forgeries, are generally not considered lies, though the underlying intent may be the same. However, even a true statement can be considered a lie if the person making that statement is doing so to deceive. In this situation, it is the intent of being untruthful rather than the truthfulness of the statement itself that is considered.
Types of lies
The various types of lies include the following:
A fabrication is a lie told when someone submits a statement as truth, without knowing for certain whether or not it actually is true. Although the statement may be possible or plausible, it is not based on fact. Rather, it is something made up - or it is a misrepresentation of the truth.
Note: it is entirely possible (and common) for one to fabricate a lie and believe it.
Examples of fabrication: "The dog ate my homework", or "I did unplug the iron".
Bald-faced lie
A bald-faced (or barefaced, or boldfaced) lie is one which is told when it is obvious to all concerned that it is a lie. For example, a child who has chocolate all around his mouth and denies that he has eaten any chocolate is a bald-faced liar.
Lying by omission
One lies by omission by omitting an important fact, deliberately leaving another person with a misconception. Lying by omission includes failures to correct pre-existing misconceptions. A husband may tell his wife he was out at a store, which is true, but lie by omitting the fact that he also visited his mistress, although it is disputable whether or not this is actually a lie. In most cases, the person has not directly denied a truth, but merely omitted some part of what transpired.
A lie-to-children is a lie, often a platitude which may use euphemism(s), which is told to make an adult subject acceptable to children. A common example is "The stork brought you" (in reference to childbirth).
White lie
A white lie would cause no discord if it were uncovered, and offers some benefit to the liar, the hearer, or both. White lies are often used to avoid offense, such as telling someone that you think that their new outfit looks good, when you actually think that it is a horrible excuse for an outfit. In this case, the lie is told to avoid the harmful realistic implications of the truth. As a concept, it is largely defined by local custom and cannot be clearly separated from other lies with any authority. As such, the term may have differing meanings in different cultures. Lies which are harmless (but told for no reason) are generally called white lies.
Noble lie
A noble lie is one which would normally cause discord if it were uncovered, but which offers some benefit to the liar and assists in an orderly society, therefore potentially beneficial to others. It is often told to maintain law, order and safety. A noble lie usually has the effect of helping an elite maintain power.
Emergency lie
An emergency lie is a strategic lie told when the truth may not be told because, for example, harm to a third party would result. For example, a neighbour might lie to an enraged husband about the whereabouts of his unfaithful wife, because said husband might reasonably be expected to inflict physical injury should he encounter his wife in person. Alternatively, an emergency lie could denote a (temporary) lie told to a second person because of the presence of a third.
Perjury is the act of lying or making verifiably false statements on a material matter under oath or affirmation in a court of law, or in any of various sworn statements in writing. Perjury is a crime, because the witness has sworn to tell the truth and, for the credibility of the court to remain intact, witness testimony must be relied on as truthful.
Pretending to have a capability or intention which one does not actually possess. Bluffing is an act of deception which is rarely seen as immoral, because it takes place in the context of a game where this kind of deception is consented to in advance by the players. For instance, a gambler who deceives other players into thinking he has different cards to those which he really holds, or an athlete who indicates he will move left and then actually dodges right, is not considered to be lying. In these situations, deception is accepted and indeed expected as a tactic.
A misleading statement is one where there is no outright lie, but there still remains the purpose of making someone believe in an untruth.
"Dissembling" is a polite term for lying, though some might consider it a reference to merely misleading. It is usually considered to be a euphemism for lying.
An exaggeration occurs when the most fundamental aspect(s) of a statement is true, but only to a certain degree. An example of this sort of lie is when someone says they are so hungry they could eat a horse.
Jocose lies
Jocose lies are those which are meant in jest, and are usually understood as such by all present parties. Teasing and sarcasm are examples. A more elaborate instance is seen in storytelling traditions which are present in some places, where the humour comes from the storyteller's insistence that he or she is telling the absolute truth, despite all evidence being to the contrary (i.e. tall tale). There is debate about whether these are "real" lies, and different philosophers hold different views (see below).
Promotion lies
Advertisements often contain statements which are incredible, such as "We are always happy to give a refund", or exaggerated predictions such as "You will love our new product".
It is alleged[1] that some belief systems may find lying to be justified. Leo Tolstoy is cited[2] as describing religious institutions as "the product of deception [and] lies for a good purpose".
Augustine's taxonomy of lies
Augustine of Hippo wrote his book De Mendacio "Of Lying" as part of his work: "Retractions" [3] in 395 AD. He had previously written two other books on the subject: a "Book on Lying" and "Against Lying". In "Of Lying" he writes that he is reconciling his two previous works, and addressing the great question of lying, which he felt was an urgent need of his time. He began: "Magna quæstio est de Mendacio". From his text, it can be derived that
- Lies in religious teaching.
- Lies that harm others and help no one.
- Lies that harm others and help someone.
- Lies told for the pleasure of lying.
- Lies told to "please others in smooth discourse."
- Lies that harm no one and that help someone.
- Lies that harm no one and that save someone's life.
- Lies that harm no one and that save someone's "purity."
14 September 2008
Don't You Feel Bad
Somebody wants us to apologize
Oh hell yeah!!!!!!! Out of nothing, they want us to ......lol. Does not make any sense. First, they make a situation whereby we are the culprits. Now, they wants us out of the house. What a cheap strategy.....psycho.... It does not matter what you think...maybe .. just maybe, but oh hell yeah! it may backfire.....
07 September 2008
Good bye my beloved Dad/Uncle
1. Nadja Amani: Good bye my bel0ved uncle(Michael).We gonna miss u forever and ever......We will always pray for you.Thats all for now.And don't forget to say hello to moing sugud......
2. Floyd Myer: good bye to my beloved dad. WE gonna miss u from the bottom of my heart. WE will always love u n want u to be with us but god want u to be with him.CRoss(+)
3. Crystal: good bye to my uncle(MICHEAL) WE GONNA MISS U TAKE CARE IN HEAVEN mAY GOD BLESS UU..... Say Hello to moing Sugud and tell them that we're just doing fine.
4. Evan: Good BYe tO mY bElOveD unCle(Michael).Gonna Miss U FRom THe boTTom oF mY HEArt.We aLWayS WAnt U 2 bE wiTh US buT G0D wanT u 2 bE wiTH HIm. I REMemBer WhEn U SMilE 2 Me,TalK 2 Me,saY hAi N Bye 2 ME anD WHeN u PLAy wItH Me.buT NOw u ARe iN HEAveN.SO, TAKe caRe In HEAveN.MAny PEOPle SeE u WHeN U DIe anD mANy PEoplE CRy foR u.BUT DOn'T WORrY BOut US,WE WILl AlwaYs PraY 4 u,JUst takE caRe iN HEaVeN.lOvE u 4eVa N Eva.ThatS aLL 4 nOw.ANd maY u're SOuL reSt In PEAse(RIP)......May goD BLEss U alwAyS...........DOn'T 4GEt 2 SaY HELLo 2 MOIng SUGud.........
5. Natasja Iman: Bye2 uncle!!!WilL miSs u!!!luv u very2 much!!!Take k!!!=D
6. Eve said: In tears we saw you sinking; and watched you pass away, our heart was almost broken; we wanted you to stay. But when we saw you sleeping; so peaceful, free from pain, how could we wish you back with us; to suffer that again. It broke our heart to lose you; but you did not go alone, b'cos God will always be with you.
27 August 2008
Budak Mentah Cuba Bermain Psycho
Baru-baru ini ketika musim cuti sekolah iaitu pada 16 Ogos hingga 23 Ogos 2008, saya dengan abang dan adik perempuan saya dan juga beberapa saudara terdekat dan rapat serta saudara dari LD berkumpul di rumah datuk saya dengan harapan dapat menghabiskan cuti tersebut demi merapatkan tali persaudaraan antara kami dan juga bertukar-tukar fikiran sambil bermain game dan lain-lain. Pada mulanya, kami adakan acara retreat dengan cara bermalam bersama di luar rumah menggunakan khemah. Memang seronok kerana dapat menikmati udara segar pada waktu malam dan pagi yang mana jarang-jarang kami lakukan sebelum ini dan menatapi bintang-bintang yang berkelip-kelip di ruang angkasa.
Namun, kesoronokan musim cuti pada kali ini bertukar wajah apabila salah seorang daripada ahli keluarga saya (anti saya sebenarnya) mula pandai bermain ilmu jiwa. Terkejut saya bilamana saya dituduh menghalau beliau dari rumah datuk saya walhal beliau lah yang menghalau saya dan adik saya dari rumah datuk saya yang saya sayangi itu. Beliau amat mudah mempengaruhi datuk serta anti saya yang berada di KL (yang hanya dengar sebelah pihak sahaja) bahawa saya lah orang yang mengeluarkan kata-kata kesat tersebut sehingga menyebabkan datuk saya yang tidak tahu perkara sebenar itu mempercayai pembohongan beliau. Apabila datuk saya sampai ke rumah dari timur
Dalam hal yang berkaitan, ibubapa saya telah menganggap perkara itu sudah berlalu dan sudah tidak relevan lagi kerana bapa saya sudah mendapat kepastian dari datuk saya yang menyatakan bahawa kami boleh tinggal di rumah datuk saya sebelum beliau berangkat balik ke timur
Dalam kejadian yang sama, bapa saya hampir melaporkan kepada pihak berkuasa mengenai kelakuannya yang mendera saya sehingga menyebabkan kecederaan pada tangan saya (lihat gambar) namun setelah menerima nasihat dari ibu saya, bapa saya mengabaikan perkara tersebut kerana kecederaan itu tidaklah begitu mendesak. Walau pun demikian, bapa meminta saya memberitahunya sekiranya kejadian seumpama itu berulang lagi dan tidak akan teragak-agak untuk melaporkan kepada pihak berkuasa termasuklah polis. Bapa saya bilang, sepanjang usianya, beliau belum pernah berjumpa atau terjumpa dengan orang (budak sekolah belasan tahun) yang pandai twisting/main ular perkara sebenar. Inilah kali pertama beliau terserampak dengan orang yang sedemikian namun berselindung dengan kuasa “TWISTER” nya. Mungkin terlalu menonton drama atau Pilipin punya series?.....lol..memang pun. Maklum lah kaum kerabat Corazon C. Aquino pula nun dari selatan Phil........ (part 2 akan bersambung pada musim cuti sekolah November-December)……….cheers…..
23 August 2008
Will The Price of Petrol & Diesel Drop Today?
21 August 2008
Servay Hypermarket Destroyed
(read more)
20 August 2008
Typhoon Nuri
Typhoon Nuri continued to intensify as it maintained its course towards south
19 August 2008
15 August 2008
What a Psycho Sign!!!
Another Bazaar
Me and my brother trying our luck
Lamb chop! anyone?
There's another round of bazaar going to held this saturday. This time it is PIBG Fund Raising Bazaar at the school compound of SK. St. Francis Convent(M), Kota Kinabalu at Bukit Padang.
11 August 2008
Sabahan cop under probe for RM1m drugs theft found dead
Johor police chief Datuk Mohd Mokhtar Mohd Shariff said members of the public who stumbled upon the body of L/Cpl Morne Aliamat, 40, at 11.40am alerted the police (see full report here).
Awesome magician
10 August 2008
What a perfect Tents for the coming School Holiday
06 August 2008
California health officials warn against Malaysian Candy
The Department of Public Health says a recent analysis found that Ego Hao Jin Bang candy contained as much as 0.73 parts per million of lead (read here, here & here).
04 August 2008
03 August 2008
Momugah celebration - Gwyneth Ashley
This post correspond to my previous post on 3rd July 2008 regarding my announcement of the arrival of a new healthy baby girl named Gwyneth Ashley of Mr. & Mrs. Glenn James Jivion. Today is her full moon (momugah) celebration at their Kg. Ramayah residence which was attended by family members and friends.
02 August 2008
Lucky Draw Sacred Heart Church, Inobong
The lucky winners can contact the following person before or on the 30Th August 2008 to collect their prize :
Mr. Fidelis Sipangkui
Ms. Elsie Giluk
Ms. Annas
Ms. Felicita Makajil
Thank You.
30 July 2008
QEH staff drowned
I am sure all of you have already heard and read about a Queen Elizabeth Hospital's staff who fell into the monsoon drain and drowned early Tuesday just opposite the hospital (read here).
I am not going to tell a story regarding 49-year-old the late Gandat @ Richard Gapil, but would like to highlight here about the attitude of some people who just simply park their vehicles by the road side to see the situation there like what we see in the picture and though a few warning was issued to the car owners to remove their car by the traffic police who was there to do his job, it went unheeded. The traffic police's (circled red) warning somehow did not scare them and this force the traffic police to issue a summoned to them.
28 July 2008
Flash Flood, Flash Flood & Flash Flood
This was not the first time this thing happen. In my acknowledgement, everytime there is a heavy rain, this situation happened. I crossed my finger that this thing won't happen in the near future especially when there's an exam going to be held at school or an expecting mother is going in labor soon and etc.
I hope something concrete is being done by the relevant authority to prevent this situation from happening again.
The villagers waiting in vain
The dare 4x4 vehicle almost could not pass
26 July 2008
Fund Raising and 15th Anniversary Celebration
Updated 10.00 pm (2nd. Aug)
0255 4468 2358 3681 3263 3024 1443 2048 2364 3375
4076 1401 2366 4317 3907
For those of you who have strike the lucky numbers to contact the following person before 30Th August 2008:
Mr. Fidelis Sipangkui
Ms. Elsie Giluk
Ms. Annas
Ms. Felicita Makajil
The Zone-2 Inobong wish to convey their Thanks to those who have donated and participated directly or indirectly.
Updated 10.00 am (28th July)
cutting the ribbon ceremony to mark the beginning of a new chapter.
part of the crowd who take part at the bazaar.
There would be a Bazaar going to held at Sacred Heart Church Inobong, Penampang on the 26Th & 27Th July 2008 in conjunction with its Sunday School 15Th Anniversary Celebration. The main purpose of the celebration is to raise fund for the construction of a new building for the Sunday School teaching and activities. The following is the Programme of the said celebration according to the organizing chair lady Ms. Felicita Ferdinand Makajil :
(Walk for Environment)
6.30 - 7.15 am : Registration
7.15 am : Briefing/warm up
7.30 am : Flag off by Rev. Father Alexander Sipanul (Rector of
Penampang Parish)
9.00 - 10.00 am : Slide show
10.00 am : Prize Presentation
27Th July 2008
7.30 am : Thanks Giving Mass
9.00 am - 3.00 pm : Simple Ground-breaking Ceremony by the Rector
- Bazaar
- Song Request
- Lucky Deep
- Story Telling by Pre Sunday School Students
- Presentation by teachers/Students - Inobong/Pogunon
- Prize Presentation
All are welcome!
25 July 2008
Foam Party Disaster
First aid treatment was not applied as the hotel where three people died at foam party did not have a doctor after 18.00.
Unlimited chain of negligence
The fact about the foam party disaster where three people died in
Foam party disaster which took place at Venezia Palace Deluxe Resort Hotel in Kundu Antalya revealed the fact that the hotels in the region do not have doctors after 18.00 hours. It is detected that the people who got electric shock from the foam machine had the first medical intervention only after 20 minutes and the injured were taken to hospital 30-45 minutes later. The ministry of culture and tourism started an investigation on the hotel and machine operator Tuncay Duran and party organizer Element company owner Erol Kabaca were sent to the court for "causing death because of carelessness and negligence."
Sabah prone to quake aftershocks, reveals seismic study
Deputy Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Fadillah Yusof told the Dewan Negara that a seismic study by the Malaysian Science Academy (MSA) and other information found that the earthquake expected in Sabah and
Fadillah said the study concluded that
Replying to a supplementary question from Wan Ramlah, Fadillah said information on earthquakes would be channelled via RTM and SMSed to all TV and radio stations.
“We also have an early warning system in case of an earthquake or tsunami with 14 stations nationwide, with three more being built, and two buoys already in place.”
20 July 2008
16 July 2008
15 July 2008
12 July 2008
Magic Show (Pt.1)
11 July 2008
Our Visit to Keningau and Tenom
Here I am at the far right (in red shirt), my sister Eve, my bro. Evan and of course my Dad & Mum.
One of the view at Taman Pertanian Lagud Seberang, Tenom.
Definitely not buah Bambangan and don't ask me cos' I also don't know.