30 April 2010

We Change our Blog Theme

We change our blog template with flowery theme early this week. We all like it and my mum like it but my dad does not like it at all. So, after considering it for a few days, we finally made our mind and found a new one …. tadaaaaaa … this is it. Hope you all like it.

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08 April 2010

SK St. Francis Convent (M) KK 2010 annual sport

Yes, tomorrow will be our school annual sport to be held at Stadium Penampang. Though I do not take part (my sister [Eve] will only take part in the gymrama), we just can’t wait for the day. The rehearsal was held from 7.00 am to 12 in the afternoon just now and I feel all the students and the teachers are ready for the big occasion. I will up date this blog as soon as the sport finishes tomorrow … have a nice day…..

06 April 2010

We are the World - [Inobong version]

This video is dedicated to the Inobong community + Atama. It was recorded on the evening of 29 Jan 2010 during the charity dinner held in aid of sunday school building fund of Sacred Heart Church Inobong Penampang Sabah. I hope you guys love this song [inobong version] of "We are the World.